All-in-one Personal Life Tracker.
Geektrack is a versatile logging and tracking solution I've been building for myself and friends since 2022. Now in public beta.
It's built on top of the Telegram platform. Using chats as trackers turned out to be a very powerful and simple idea.
Besides, I have a very long list of other ideas that I would like to implement at some time, but I won't rush into discussing them. For 2 years Geektrack has been growing along my own needs, and I'm only starting, really.
Need a specific feature? Let me know.
Geektrack is not (yet) open source. If you really feel like contributing (and maybe get to use Geektrack for free, forever) - reach out, and I may set you up as a contributor on the private repo. The main tech being used is Elixir, Phoenix, LiveView, Oban, and Tailwind.
For the purposes of Geektrack, Telegram covers the 2 most important use cases: entering data, and receiving notifications. The idea of entering log data in a chat, as well as getting reminders, feedback, reports, etc from the bot in the same chat, proved to be very simple and intuitive, as you have all your tracking history and bot reports, tips and notifications in one place, tailored for a specific tracker.
And when a chat is not enough, Telegram's support for miniapps provides freedom to build near-native experience where needed.
Additionally, going with Telegram has the following advantages:
Feel free to join our discussion group on Telegram to provide feedback, request features, report issues, and share any other thoughts.
You may also open issues on this repository.
I'm especially interested to hear about various use cases that you might (want to) use Geektrack for.
During the beta period, Geektrack is free to use, no limits. Once out of beta, there will be some generous usage limits for those who choose to keep using it for free. Your data from the beta period will be kept.
Exact price isn't yet known, but it might be a one-time payment. Pre-sale at a discuount is an option, so, stay tuned.
Hint: how about competing with friends?